
Spot Festival

Cousin, Sonic Visions

Back in 2008 Sonic Visions met SPOT leader Gunnar K. Madsen. Rockhal and Music & Resources Rockhal wanted to create a music festival in Luxembourg. As SPOT Festival had already been going for 14 years, Gunnar K. Madsen was an ideal advisor. Both Luxembourg and Denmark are small countries with similar cultures, so a partnership was easy to construct. Since then, Sonic Visions has been popular in Luxembourg and the Rockhal people still come to SPOT. CEO, Olivier Toth says it’s like meeting old friends: ”There is a mutual respect between the two festivals, and SPOT is a great inspiration.”


Sonic Visions themselves try to be an inspiration. At SPOT+ they hosted a reception for networking. Beyond this they are mediating Streaming III – Songwriters, Musicians and Managers’ perspective. With this they are hoping to inspire by their expertise in the digitalisation of music.

When asked if the Luxembourgish festival Sonic Visions is SPOT festival’s younger brother, Toth answers: ”They are certainly cousins!”