
Spot Festival

SPOT International Åbningsreception

SPOTs Internationale Åbningsreception startede i dag med en åbningstale af Århus borgmester Jacob Bundsgaard. Derefter talte Jake Beaumont-Nesbitt fra IMMF om hvordan musikken har ændret sig, og hvordan SPOT Festival følger med disse ændringer.
Brunch blev serveret og networkingen begyndte. Vi spurgte fem internationale branchefolk, hvorfor de er med til SPOT+.

Why SPOT+?
Jake Beaumont-Nesbitt, IMMF (UK): ”SPOT+ is a seabed of opportunity. You can hear about new bands and meet new people. SPOT+ is important because the artists today need to know about the business themselves. Networking is a way to gain knowledge and opportunities.”

Thomas Roscheck, Rockhal (LU): “It is a great place for networking and making collaborations. Music is about import and export and SPOT+ has a high quality level of networking.”

Hannes Tschürtz, ink Music (AT): “SPOT+ is very profitable in terms of making business. There is a certain magic to Scandinavia, because there is a lot of creativity buzzing all the time.”

Sandra Gern, egoFM (DE): “SPOT gives an excellent summary of the Nordic music scene. SPOT are first-movers and everyone at SPOT+ has recommendations for music. People are very open, so it’s easy to network.”

Frank Lenggenhager, Lautstark (CH): “Instead of having a lot of people spread, it’s great to have one place for people in the industry. It makes it easier to network. SPOT has a strong focus on the Danish music industry, which is great. The Danes are WAY AHEAD musically.”