
Spot Festival

Networking: Glimps Reception - Belgium's showcase festival & conference

SPOT+ Area

The Belgian showcase event Glimps, which takes place from 10-12 December in Gent, is hosting a reception from 15:00 – 16:00 on Saturday the 2nd of May, at the this year’s SPOT Festival.

Managing Director Jeroen Vereecke explains:

“Danish and Scandinavian music boast so much talent, which makes SPOT a very exciting platform. We are therefore also planning a SPOT On Denmark night with the best new Danish talent at our festival in December. We are in fact going to Aarhus with a +10 person strong Belgian delegation aimed at finding the right Danish bands for us Belgians! We’d moreover love for more Danish music professionals to become aware of our event. All of these elements combine to make up the perfect excuse for us to host a reception at this year’s SPOT Festival. I highly recommend everyone to come and meet me and the Belgian delegation”.